Just for the hell of it, I decided to post on The Donnas message board at Atlantic Records and tell them the deal with '100 CDs For 100 Bloggers' and see what they thought of it. As you can see, most think it's a great idea, with one noticable exception. (On a totally unrelated note, Chris I hope you read this before you write-up your MMM column on SoaP, because apparently the buzz over this movie did NOT come from bloggers. Whew glad we avoided that slip-up.).
But I do think it's interesting to note the comments, and you can almost tell just from the responses, the posters that understand how the blogosphere works, and those that don't. I think back to this time last year, when I had no clue. I hate to say that I bought into every media stereotype, and honestly thought it was nothing more than teenagers bitching about their ex boy/girlfriends. Now I kick myself for waiting so long to join this space. If you aren't a blogger, you really have no idea 'what the deal' is, or why you should care.
Which likely explains why so many companies are in no hurry to target bloggers in their promotions.
BTW I contacted The Donnas through MySpace, and sent an email to their manager asking for an interview and comments on my '100 CDs For 100 Bloggers' idea. No response from either. Guess I got no pull like JD does ;)
Pic of The Donnas via Flickr user Aileen5
Thank goodness I saw this in time. I had actually started writing my SoaP column and the draft included a good amount of talk of bloggers and their influence. Glad I read this and can now amend the column to be a glorious celebration of all things corporately approved.
I will now go light myself on fire.
There you go again, Chris...thinking blogging can take credit for anything. Check out the Coke Geyser contest for how to do it right. ; )
I was obviously smoking waaaaayyyy too much crack at the time.
If you aren't a blogger, you really have no idea 'what the deal' is, or why you should care.
Which likely explains why so many companies are in no hurry to target bloggers in their promotions.
True, true. I also think that the management at those companies just haven't come across the right person who can open their eyes to it. It's as if they're waiting for something they don't know about.
Good point Ken, the companies that are the first to embrace bloggers in their promotional efforts will likely be the ones that have bloggers working for them and that are changing their corporate culture from the inside-out.
LOL, I have pull?? I still have difficulties getting the majors to interview, but a lot of it has to do with the way you approach them. And I have found it helps to know a lesser known person who knows a slightly better known person, who then knows a slightly better known person than them....and so on and so forth :) Keep plugging :)
Besides, what, is Erin Kinghorn chopped liver? You were in the interviewing game before I was!! :)
Erin is one of the very rare individuals in the music business that gets the importance of social media. But I think/hope that will change over time as more and more companies start to get clued into what we have going on here.
Blogging creates more of an experience-oriented network than I first expected. I kept avoiding it thinking that it was a fad and would go away.
What many people do not realise is that it provides a way of connecting your thoughts and ideas with those who have similar interests. The communities of interest that form through blogs are not based on simple associations - they are much deeper and resonate more powerfully with their audiences/participant networks.
If you in the business of engaging with the emotions of your consumers (and who isn't), then you can't afford NOT to blog.
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