The WSJ's Kevin Delaney earlier this week wrote an article for the paper on the importance of having a viable Google presence. He explains how parents today are even naming their children based on how well their potential name shows up in Google rankings. If it doesn't, that means they've found a winner, since their child's name should have little competition for Google's affection.
Here's my advice for parents that are wanting to ensure their child has Google-power; Pick the name you want for your kiddo, and have them blog. Google absolutely loves blogs. This was a completely unexpected, and delightful result from my blogging. I checked the Google search results for my name the day I started my blogging adventure, back in September of 2005. At that time, there were 450 search results for my name, and very few were me, and they were buried on the 3rd or 4th page. In other words, to Google, and anyone that wanted to test my Google-power, I was invisible.
Today? Over 47,000 Google search results for 'Mack Collier'. And yes, almost all of that extra number has come from my blogging. Kevin's article is getting a ton of link-love right now, but when the mainstream figures out how Google feels about blogs, that's when you'll really see some fireworks.
Extra: Check out the Google Logos page.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing
47,000 - that's it? Man, do you have it easy!
And so the job of naming one's child gets even more difficult...
Here's a quick trick for those out there who want to set themselves apart in search results, et al: Use your middle initial or even full middle name when blogging, etc.
(hat tip to David Meerman Scott)
Mack - Very interesting post. When I was considering a job change last year, I did a Google search with my name and was pleasantly surprised to see all of the pr work that ended up in print that came back. A nice portfolio of work that I didn't have to build out and track down.
I'm happy to say that now, like you, my blogging and other online activity of commenting and participating in online conversations is what leads the way .
You never know when that Google search can be used by others so take the opportunity to seize the content and be your own writer.
It's secret no more, Mack :) - Google is the new Big Eye...just wish I could filter out all those arrests and loan defaults LOL - ummm kidding :)
Good point Jamey, the comments you leave can track as high or higher than blog posts.
A ranking well earned! I have the misfortune of sharing my name with UK's Drew McLellan -- the web developer from Yahoo! and DreamWeaver.
I suspect I will be sharing Google's spotlight with him for quite some time!
This shows, in a simple way, the power of a *distinctive* name. The same works for business names. Why businesses still name themselvs or their products by the words that describe what they do (and so, the words all their competitors use) is baffling but so commonplace it is virtually the norm.
I'm waiting for the day when state senator Mary Ann Handley (D-Ct.) leaves politics... that woman gives me a run for my Google-juice!!
There is another way for folks to ensure their kids get a little Google love.
Raise them to actually accomplish something. If their kids actually grow up and contribute in a meaningful way in their job, the community, etc not only will they increase their chances of some Google love, the love will actually be of some value.
Tall order for many parents today, too busy looking for the easy way I suppose.
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