1 - Seth's Blog - 10,272 (+181)(LW - 1)
2 - Gaping Void - 3,879 (+100)(LW - 3)
3 - Duct Tape Marketing - 2,681 (+155)(LW - 4)
4 - Logic + Emotion - 1,354 (-56)(LW - 5)
5 - Diva Marketing - 1,118 (-20)(LW - 6)
6 - Daily Fix - 1,039 (+8)(LW - 8)
7 - What's Next - 1,022 (-10)(LW - 7)
8 - Converstations - 978 (-10)(LW - 9)
9 - Church of the Customer - 901 (+95)(LW - 11)
10 - Drew's Marketing Minute - 817 (-35)(LW - 10)
11 - Jaffe Juice - 795 (-3)(LW - 12)
12 - Influential Marketing - 755 (+5)(LW - 14)
13 - The Viral Garden - 710 (-74)(LW - 13)
14 - Servant of Chaos - 646 (+8)(LW - 15)
15 - Brand Autopsy - 638 (+15)(LW - 16)
16 - Hee-Haw Marketing - 622 (No Change)(LW - 17)
17 - Branding and Marketing - 584 (-8)(LW - 18)
18 - CrapHammer - 528 (-5)(LW - 20)
19 - Marketing Headhunter - 522 (+4)(LW - 23)
20 - Coolzor - 513 (-66)(LW - 19)
21 - Community Guy - 499 (-26)(LW - 21)
22 - Flooring the Consumer - 497 (-25)(LW - 22)
23 - Customers Rock! - 481 (-24)(LW - 24)
24 - CK's Blog - 458 (LW - UR)
25 - Shotgun Marketing - 445 (-28)(LW - 25)
I'm now a believer, the Z-List is definitely biting back. We're now coming on the 7-month window since the first Z-List was published, so most of the shedding is probably done by now. I also decided to pull Creating Passionate Users from the Top 25. The blog hasn't had a post in months, and for some reason Technorati isn't updating its link count. So if Kathy starts posting again, CPU might make a return. In the Top 10, Daily Fix and The Church of the Customer are the big winners.
Past the Top 10, Marketing Headhunter had a big week to jump 4 spots to #19, and CK's Blog rejoins the Top 25 at #24.
Biz Solutions Plus, Conversation Agent, Tell Ten Friends, Marketing Nirvana, and Own Your Brand! are nipping at the Top 25's heels.
Next update is next Wednesday.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing, Top 25 Marketing Blogs
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Now all the eggs are going into one basket! I wonder what standard you will adopt if Technorati picks a focus -- for now it seems to want to do too much. Google links? Do you see Google+FeedBurner as a solution?
Valeria if I had access to the number of feed readers that everyone had, I would probably use that. Of course there are issues even with that, such as older blogs having higher readership on average. But again, no method is perfect.
Touche'. You're a good conversationalist, Mack.
Mack - Marketing Hipster is at 442 and hoping to get back onto the top 25 real soon. :)
Cord thanks for the heads up!
Hi Mack,
Just wanted to let you know I recently updated the name of my blog and dropped the word "interactive" ... it's now just Influential Marketing. Would love if you could update this moving forwards. Keep up the great work!
Got it Rohit, thanks!
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