Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Viral Community has infected BMA

This is just amazing. On Friday I left a post entitled 'Blogging 2.0' on BMA. The post highlighted several members of The Viral Community, that I thought BMA's audience might not know about.

I posted a quick summary of several blogs, including:

Studio UES
Pro Hip-Hop
Hee-Haw Marketing
Experience Curve
Own Your Brand
Brand is Language
Marketing Nirvana
Blending the Mix

Almost immediately, I noticed that I started getting traffic referrals here from that BMA post. Usually I don't get any from something I post on BMA, but I got about 40-50 visitors from the post just on Friday.

I decided to check out BMA's traffic stats. Normally, a popular post on BMA will get 30+ page views the first day, about 10-20 the second day, then a handful a day after that, till it goes away to nothing. As of midnight Monday, the Blogging 2.0 post had been viewed a staggering 1,060 times in 4 days.

Want more? On Friday, we set a record for the most visitors ever on a Friday, with 1,541. On Saturday, we set a record for the most visitors ever on a Saturday, with 1,233. On Sunday, we had 1,292 visitors, which was the second most ever on a Sunday. And finally, yesterday we had 1,668 visitors, the most ever on a Monday, and the 2nd best one-day total EVER for BMA.

Has to be because everyone is so excited about all the great blogs that help make up The Viral Community. Really you can't even argue that it's anything else, because all I did was list them, and give a quick blurb about what each blog covered.

Simply amazing. I think it's quite fitting that what will likely end up being the most popular post ever in the history of BMA, is completely about many of the great blogs and bloggers that I've met. As it should be, since a blog is nothing without its community.


Anonymous said...


Why are you surprised?!

Despite being the author of blendingthemix (!), I, like you take as much enjoyment from reading and participating on others' blogs as writing my own.

New discoveries breed new ideas, breed new conversations and bring new solutions.

Before the "A-listers" took hold, everyone was equal and I firmly believe that because anyone who is anyone links or quotes from the Scobles, the Rubel's and McLeod's etc. there is a great opportunity for a "sub-network" of like-minded and talented people (such as yourself) to bring something new to the party!

You are doing, that, I try to do that and many, many others hope to do it too!

Keep it going. You are doing a great job.

Anonymous said...

Stand in a crowd of people...quick, look over there. Pointing your finger to show the way, everyone looks.

If what you point at was worth the peek, the people around you will llok every time you point something out.

You've proven time and again (and all over the 'sphere) that your points are valuable.

Thanks for sharing those sites I didn't know about - they just became part of my strength.

Stay contagious, Mack!

J.D. said...

Well the fact that you've managed to drag me into the mix proves that not only are you getting the marketing bloggers together, but you're also pulling in bloggers like myself who generally cater to the teeny-boppers, the Idol-heads, and the mommy-bloggers. You're on the way to moving past just being a community to being a diverse society.

And I've found that posts about your community are high traffic getters as well, if for no other reason than others like to see their own work recognized. I've tested this twice on my blog, once recently, and once on my 100th post. So far only two posts have tracked better, and both of those posts had to do with Kellie Pickler and Carrie Underwood, who have their own viral communities.

Good job, bud.

Anonymous said...

Mack, honored to be on your list.


Monica (Brand Is Language)

Chris Thilk said...

You've been getting some mad props all over the place lately, and all well-deserved. I'd love to get you and Joe Jaffe in a room together and just watch as you work off each other.

Anonymous said...

Mack- told you you were a maven! :)

Mack Collier said...

I posted an update in the comments on BMA, but the post has now been viewed 1,347 times in 5 days, adding 287 views yesterday.

Hopefully this is leading to more traffic for all the blogs I mentioned, which will no doubt lead to more readers. In that way, we all win and The Viral Community grows and becomes even stronger.