I wonder what would happen if Tuttle came to the blogosphere?
For example, what if a 'Johnathan Tuttle' created a new blog, and 'Tuttle' would occasionally post about some conference (that no one's heard of, natch) that he will be speaking at. And then a few days later, 'Tuttle' could recap what he had said at the conference. Then to make it really believable, have 'Tuttle' sometimes post that he had attended a REAL conference where a buncha A-Listers spoke at. He could post about 'the great speeches by Doc and Scoble!'.
Am I the only one that thinks that a buncha bloggers would suddenly start treating 'Tuttle' like an A-Lister, if they thought he was speaking at all these conferences like an A-Lister? ;) Besides, wouldn't this 'experiment' be a lot funnier than some Smurfette she-male crap?
Very funny idea, and of course, illustrative of a current weaknesses we're dealing with in the blogosphere, namely the tendency by a few to follow perceived status over other equally legitimate qualifications (which, as a member plug, the International Association of Nobodies is trying to change). So, will we be seeing a new Tuttle blog soon?
lol No I don't have the time for a Tuttle blog, but I bet it would work. I thought of this yesterday when I saw one A-Lister just falling all over themselves to gush about a post that another A-Lister had just made.....and I made the same point 3 months ago and no one cared lol
I haven't really kept up with the nobodies, what's the deal there?
Mack, very funny and perceptive, as usual.
You should definitely check out IA of nobodies. Go here: http://allanjenkins.typepad.com/nobody/
See no offense, but I don't think the IAN thing will take off, simply because you guys are too well-known to be nobodies. Hells bells I looked at the list and I had heard of all of you.
You guys are more like the 'FALC'....Future A-Lister Club ;)
I think you should just get a myspace page and pretend to be Scoble there.
Links don't mean much in MySpace so if I posed as Scoble, everyone would just think I was a big dork. Hell I can get that naturally.
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