I know I am way late to the party, but I can finally add my name to the long list of bloggers and marketing professionals that have been lucky enough to meet the dynamo that is
CK. As many of you already know, CK is just as genuine in person, and even more amazing. And she carried herself with class and strength during an absolutely
horrific week. Both CK and her sister Melissa did an absolutely amazing job of honoring their mother all week.

And I made sure that CK gave me a pic of her sister Melissa. Melissa also handled a horrible week with strength and grace. This pic is of the Kerley girls along with Ruth, and both it and the pic of CK and I was taken at the Celebration of Life Ceremony for Sandra Kerley (CK and Melissa
refused to have a 'funeral'). Ruth is one of several of Sandra's friends in Guntersville that reached out to CK and Melissa and did everything they could to help. Seems that CK got her community-building skills from her mama ;)

And the final pic is of Melissa and her good friend Jacky, who came all the way from New Orleans to help CK and Melissa. Jacky also has a claim to fame; immunity to CK's action-points ;)
I know that CK said in her
latest post that she wanted to honor her mom. After seeing both CK and Melissa handle this last week with equal grace, dignity, and utter strength, I can say that they did exactly that. The set of circumstances they were literally thrown into was absolutely unimaginable, which made their flawless response even more amazing. It loses so much here, you really had to see how well these two incredibly strong women handled the last week to believe it.
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The Viral Garden, Marketing,
Thank you for this great update Mack and for being there to help and witness this grace for the rest of us.
You define the words true friend, Mack. When all is said and done - that's what its all about. What a thoughtful blog post.
Thanks for helping CK and her family through this past week. And thank you for representing her online community of friends so well.
Thank you for the news. You obviously witnessed a lot of dignity and courage. THANK you for the support you brought CK and her family. I feel honored to know people with such great human values.
Kind Regards.
"Seems that CK got her community-building skills from her mama ;)"
I love this line -- what great perspective! So glad you could be there with CK.
Thanks Mack for the beautiful post and for all you did for us while we were there. You are terrific. --Melissa Kerley
You're quite welcome Melissa, I'm so glad I got to meet both you and CK.
Being there for someone is the highest form of sharing I can think of. Thank you for your support of CK -- this amazing community builder -- and her family.
There is no question in my mind that I am still breathing and functioning because of you. I'll never have the words to thank you and I know that you say I don't need to.
My momma would have LOVED you...her two girls certainly do. I'm so moved that you could be at the celebration of life and thank you for putting up with scores of action points from me (can't help it, I get my bossy nature from my momma ;-).
Again, there are no words. Only gratitude (and right now a world of grief).
You are very welcome CK. And you and Melissa are much stronger than I would have imagined. You both get that strength from your momma too ;)
Hey, this is a very emotive and moving post and series of comments. I think there is no space for marketing in it. All I can say is this is a beautiful happening here. A true community being formed from online interaction. Thanks for all of you senior bloggers who have lead the way, and taught many of us newbies for having such healthy emotions and being willing to share with the world.
Thanks, and CK I hope you and your family is doing good and get over the grief soon. You seem to be pretty together and strong. I sure hope I could be just like that when the waters get rough.
Thanks Again.
Ron E.
Hey Mack,
Thanks for being there for our friend, CK. A very thoughtful and moving post, much like your actions.
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