Yes that's right, writing here, at Daily Fix, BMA and for Marketing Vox aint enough, now I've done gone and got me a marketing podcast.
And its name be Mind The Gap.
Mind The Gap is where I will take a weekly look at companies, their communities, and the gap that exists between the two. I'll talk about companies that are closing that gap, and companies that are making some boneheaded moves to push their communities away. I'll also examine community-empowerment tools that companies can and are employing to better reach their communities.
As with the content here, I'll talk early and often about ways that companies can harness the power of their communities to better serve their wants and needs, by making their customers a marketing partner for their messages. With of course, a healthy focus on social media.
Perhaps best of all, every episode will be quick and to the point. Less than 15 minutes. You get in, get the goods, and get out. Quick, and relatively painless.
And finally, Mind The Gap wouldn't be complete without.....MUSIC! Every week I'll feature clips from songs by artists and labels smart enough to empower their fans to market for them! And it will likely come as no shock to regular Viral Garden readers that The Donnas and Nettwerk have already jumped on board.
Here are the (Now with 15% MORE) Show Notes for Episode 1:
00:00 Intro: "Who Invited You?" - The Donnas
00:24 Quick intro and explanation of what Mind The Gap is.
01:00 Overview of Sony's flog Alliwantforxmasisapsp.com and how Sony blew it big time.
05:09 Contrast Sony's blunder with the great job that inventor Roger von Oech has done in joining the blogosphere on the community's terms. I also reveal my love of The Ball of Whacks and The Creative Whack Pack.
08:57 Recap, mucho thank-yous(The Donnas, Mark @ TheDonnasMedia.com, Nettwerk's Terry McBride and Monika Selnar)
10:03 Close: "Silence" - Delerium (Featuring Sarah McLachlan)
Buy the music featured in this episode of Mind The Gap HERE:
"Who Invited You" - The Donnas (Download live version for free HERE)
"Silence" - Delerium (Featuring Sarah McLachlan)
Both songs are also available through iTunes.
Finally, I would like to thank Talent Zoo's Stace Carter for answering a million technical questions I had about getting the podcast set-up, and what equipment I should use. Also thanks to CK and Ann for giving me great feedback on the show during 'beta-testing' ;)
So if you can, give it a listen, leave comments, suggestions, laugh at my voice (yes I know it sounds like I'm from Alabama, that's because...I'm from Alabama), poke fun unmercifully, I can take it.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing, Mind The Gap
I enjoyed your podcast. Great points, fantastic music (esp. the closing song), and I love your Alabama accent! I'm looking forward to more.
That was perfect! You have a great podcasting voice. Looking forward to more-- short, sweet, informative, entertaining, and clearly focused. Bravo!
Very nice, Mack! I loved it!
I especially love that deep southern twang. Frankly, I wish I had it, too. ;)
Way to go!
Great Stuff Mack!
I never thought I'd be linked with Sony in a marketing case and be called the "good example." That's very nice of you.
I'd like to give out two hat tips. The first to David Armano who in my first week of blogging gave me a lot of tips, and do's and don'ts, the biggest of which was, "Don't expect people to come to you. Go out and comment on other people's blogs: be constructive and positive." The other tip goes to you for also giving me your "take" on the blogging community early last November. Your comments were taken to heart.
BTW, the Ball of Whacks "home" shape is a "rhombic triacontahedron." And, yes, it is a mouthful — even for people outside the state of Alabama.
Speaking of marketing, it will interesting to see how the Crimson Tide market Nick Saban. Perhaps you can address Nick in a future podcast.
Best wishes,
Rger von Oech
I think my podcast's intro music (Joe Satriani) is cooler, but great job!
Great job my friend. I'm sending several clients to this. Love the name. Love the length of these.
You continue to contribute to this space and we appreciate you. Can't wait for the next segment.
"Make a commitment to your community"...if co's were to just focus and follow this advice they'd be amazed at the results. Good advice.
Also, I love your "um's and om's" as I didn't think you had many at all...and yes, those "show notes" are quite savvy :-).
Really proud of you and always here to support your endeavors and follow your sage advice. I will ensure my clients are indeed "Minding the Gap!".
Hey Mack,
Excellent podcast - very well narrated. Toa franco-British, you just sound American! ;)
Excellent job, bro'.
Told-ja everyone else would think so, too....
: )
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I really appreciate it! There were plenty of hiccups that I'm going to try to take care of in the next week or 2. Let's just say that I now understand why podcasting hasn't taken off, and I'll be bitching....er....BLOGGING about it soon at Daily Fix ;)
Roger, DA has good advice, even though he's inaccessible now that he's officially an A-Lister ;)
This is awesome. Love the voice too... sounds like home for sure. My accent is damned near gone now after 20 years out here. (Though I still think of 'Bama as home.)
The comment about 'Bama public schools had me laughing until my sides hurt.
You kicked major ass brother. Now you can teach me how to podcast!
Hi Mack,
Wow - love Mind the Gap. The music, the accent (I lived in Pensacola, FL for awhile), the content and the length. It's a hit with me! Can't wait for the next edition.
One more thought... have you tried BlogTalkRadio? It's easy!
Nice work, Mack. Thanks for sharing and for the music clips.
Bravo!! Podcasting is one of my goals for '07 and you have given me a great example to use as a standard.
Great content, great storytelling and great lessons!
You know, making the whole "Download the podcast here" phrase as the download link anchor text could have helped - along with placing it several times throughout the post body.
Hearing you take the plunge and pull off a wonderful podcast is very inspiring. It may not be easy to do one, but you make it look easy :-).
And it's great to hear your voice--your accent sounds like home to me (I'm in Alabama too).
Looking forward to your next show!
Nice podcast, Mack. I liked the emphasis on reaching out to the community you'd like to join and especially appreciated the brevity! Some friends of mine have a podcast at Planet XBOX 360, but at 50 minutes I rarely have time to listen to the whole thing. On another note, when I was talking to them about the technical requirements of producing a blog, they recommended recording on a digital 4-track because it was quieter than recording on computer. I wasn't sure what they were talking about until I heard the faint whirring in the background of your podcast, which I believe is emanating from your computer's fan (though I maight be mistaken). Matt
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