Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Viral Garden's Top 25 Marketing Blogs - Week 33

Here's the standings for Week 33:

1 - Seth's Blog - 5,141 (LW - 1)(+9)
2 - Creating Passionate Users - 16,453 (LW - 3)(+998)
3 - Duct Tape Marketing - 17,090 (LW - 2)(-75)
4 - Gaping Void - 17,629 (LW - 4)(+823)
5 - Marketing Shift - 29,686 (LW - 5)(-1,015)
6 - Daily Fix - 44,478 (LW - 6)(-1,205)
7 - Coolzor - 54,686 (LW - 7)(-1,877)
8 - The Viral Garden - 74,878 (LW - 8)(+1,042)
9 - New School of Network Marketing - 80,757 (LW - 9)(+625)
10 - Converstations - 82,442 (LW - 12)(+7,027)
11 - HorsePigCow - 82,615 (LW - 10)(+704)
12 - Logic + Emotion - 88,477 (LW - 11)(-824)
13 - What's Next - 106,864 (LW - 14)(-701)
14 - Brand Autopsy - 112,043 (LW - 13)(-953)
15 - Jaffe Juice - 124,937 (LW - 17)(+2,632)
16 - Emergence Marketing - 125,538 (LW - 15)(-8,533)
17 - Experience Curve - 138,190 (LW - 16)(-12,986)
18 - Church of the Customer - 173,465 (LW - 18)(-30,631)
19 - Diva Marketing - 179,430 (LW - 19)(+1,692)
20 - Make Marketing History - 202,870 (LW - 24)(+21,909)
21 - Pro Hip-Hip - Hip-Hop Marketing - 202,876 (LW- 20)(-5,992)
22 - Beyond Madison Avenue - 207,548 (LW - 21)(-1,344)
23 - Marketing Nirvana - 213,789 (LW - 22)(-630)
24 - Spare Change - 224,027 (LW - 23)(-9,813)
25 - Brains on Fire - 261,609 (LW - 25)(-25,383)

Creating Passionate Users has another big week, and moves up to #2. Duct Tape was down a bit, but Gaping Void dipped under 18K as well. Will be interesting to see if the 3 can inch closer to Seth, who has had a death-grip on #1 since Week 1. The other big move in the Top 10 was Converstations, as Mike has another big week and lands in the Top 10.

The rest of the Top 25 was surprisingly weak this time, with one notable exception. Make Marketing History had a very nice week, jumping up 4 spots to crack the Top 20.

Next update is next Wednesday.

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Anonymous said...

Mack: Thanks for doing this -- relentlessly! -- every week. I link to it in my blogroll every week and a few readers have thanked me.

So thank you :-).

Tim Jackson said...

Your efforts to do so much for the blogosphere is inspirational. Like my post at the DF mentions, there are lots of cool, great people in our line of work these days. You're certainly one of the best. (And I say that not just because you're a 'Bama fan... though that helps.)

krishnachaitanya said...

thanks yar ,it was very help full to me

Anonymous said...

We're still hangin' on by a thread, eh? But we're workin' on it!

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting list that I will continue to check. How exactly is it compiled?

john dodds said...

I echo ck's remarks - I was only made aware of your chart last month and it's introduced some great blogs to me. As for my appearance in the list, well I can only imagine that it's an anomaly.

Mack Collier said...

Chris the list is compiled using my own judgment on what qualifies as a 'marketing' blog, and the blogs are ranked using Alexa's data. Think of it as a guide, and take whatever value from it you want ;)

Anonymous said...

maybe using the technorati linkage system will also help you make a better rating system?

i would add it to your alexa ratings as a way to rate the blogs in your list

Anonymous said...

Guten Tag. Da du ja ohnehin dein eigenes Ding durchziehst und scheinbar ausschliesslich nach Gusto listest, mach ich mir erst gar nicht die Mühe dich in Englisch anzusprechen und sach ma auf gut Deutsch: 27.952, macht Platz 5.
Schönen Tag noch...