1 - Seth's Blog - 8,953 (+433)(LW - 1)
2 - Creating Passionate Users - 8,460 (No Change)(LW - 2)
3 - Gaping Void - 3,677 (-43)(LW - 3)
4 - Logic + Emotion - 1,422 (-5)(LW - 4)
5 - Duct Tape Marketing - 1,095 (+359)(LW - 10)
6 - Daily Fix - 972 (+3)(LW - 5)
7 - Converstations - 964 (+13)(LW - 6)
8 - Drew's Marketing Minute - 852 (+16)(LW - 7)
9 - The Viral Garden - 766 (+3)(LW - 8)
10 - Jaffe Juice - 759 (+12)(LW - 9)
11 - Diva Marketing - 743 (+28)(LW - 11)
12 - Church of the Customer - 724 (+12)(LW - 12)
13 - What's Next - 696 (+21)(LW - 14)
14 - Servant of Chaos - 695 (+6)(LW - 13)
15 - Influential Interactive Marketing - 681 (+6)(LW - 14)
16 - Hee-Haw Marketing - 672 (+13)(LW - 16)
17 - Branding and Marketing - 637 (LW - UR)
18 - Brand Autopsy - 634 (+15)(LW - 17)
19 - Community Guy - 591 (+1)(LW - 18)
20 - CrapHammer - 589 (+14)(LW - 20)
21 - Flooring the Consumer - 583 (+7)(LW - 19)
22 - Customers Rock! - 565 (+1)(LW - 21)
23 - Shotgun Marketing - 558 (+17)(LW - 22)
24 - Coolzor - 548 (+11)(LW - 23)
25 - CK's Blog - 533 (+3)(LW - 25)
A couple of blogging's big fish made huge splashes this week, as both Seth's Blog and Duct Tape Marketing made major moves. Seth's jump locks him down at the #1 spot, and John jumps 5 big spots to #5. Otherwise, there were no big moves up or down among the rest of the Top 25. Only 2 of the remaining 22 blogs were down, and interestingly they were the #3 and #4 blogs.
Branding and Marketing is the lone new blog this week, with Tell Ten Friends, Marketing Nirvana and Biz Solutions Plus just missing the cut.
Next update is next Wednesday.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing, Top 25 Marketing Blogs
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The one thing that stands out the most to me about this list is how nice, how giving, and how humble more of these bloggers are. I just wrote a piece for the Daily Fix that focuses on the power of "nice." Not sure when it will run, but I'll be interested in your take. It's tentative working title is "Does Anyone Care What We Think?"
*sniff.* Better bring my A-game next week...
Thanks so much for including my "Branding & Marketing" blog in your top 25 marketing blogs ranking. I was very surprised to make the list this week, especially entering at 17.
It's definitely a direct result of your switch from Alexa to Technorati rankings.
My blog has been stuck at the same place in the Alexa rankings for a while, but the Technorati rankings have been inching forward. I'm still not certain how the atom feeds and blogline feeds are counted thru Alexa... or if it matters enough for me to take the time to figure it out.
More importantly, you're shining some light on a variety of marketing blogs. (Meanwhile, I'm sorry to the folks who fell off the list with the change ...)
A couple weeks ago when I suggested you track both measures, I didn't realize how much time it takes to do it. I guess I figured it was automated or something. Thanks for all your efforts.
Chris Branding and Marketing should have been in the Top 25 as soon as I made the change to Technorati. I was afraid there would be some blogs I would simply miss at first, and your's was one of them, sorry about that. As for feed readers, from what I can tell Alexa doesn't count them at all. Which is a big problem, as many blogs get more daily feed readers, than they do daily visitors directly do their blog.
And one thing I do like about doing the list with Technorati is that it only takes about an hour this way, as opposed to 2 hours or more with Alexa.
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