1 - If you haven't already, go congratulate Ann on the 1-year anniversary of Daily Fix. She's taken DF from idea to in my biased opinion the best group marketing blog on the internet, as well as one of the best marketing blogs period. I don't have to tell anyone here how much time Ann spends commenting on other blogs, she treats DF as a full-time job, and that's on top of her OTHER full-time jobs as Chief Content Officer for Marketing Profs, and as a mom. She is a dynamo, and I wouldn't be here without her help. Please take a minute to thank her and acknowledge her work in being a wonderful community leader/member.
2 - Speaking of DF and MP, look at what Mark has done. He's made a list and linked to ALL the bloggers that contributed to the Marketing Profs' Book Club! This is what happens when you create a community and that community rallies up to take ownership in it, and works to make it grow and thrive. And then notice how Gavin is helping him with the list in the comments! CK and MP have created something special here, and Mark has created a wonderful list!
3 - Karl blogs about how he's sick of marketers simply attempting to recreate their retail store in Second Life. I think this comes from the fact that these companies aren't actually IN Second Life, so they don't know how to relate to the members there. But they think they can make money off them anyway, so they go with what they know, which is copying their storefronts and plopping them in the virtual world. Karl says it's a lack of imagination, I also think it's laziness.
4 - Matt has a great list of what was buzzy for the last week.
5 - Everyone go check out Monica's new home for Brand is Language!
6 - I tried to resist, but I've finally found the one thing that could make me try out Twitter...a gorgeous Aussie! No not Gavin, the one and only Shouty Lady has invited me to join Twitter, so I guess my weekend is now shot.
7 - Check out this post by Seth. Now check out this post by Lewis, which references Seth's post. Which post do you think was better? Which post do you think will get more links/trackbacks?
8 - David (who has come out of nowhere BTW), is asking his readers to help him come up with a better term than 'engagement'. Click here to help him out.
9 - Congrats to CK for hitting her 200th post. What CK was too modest to mention is that she's about to hit her 500th link as well!
10 - Check out The Future of Communities, a great new blog I'm enjoying.
11 - Bob has a wonderfully comprehensive recap of David's virtual seminar for Marketing Profs from earlier this week.
12 - Finally, Cord has the story of how Circuit City is laying off their highest-paid and most experienced workers, in order to refill their positions with cheaper workers, who of course have less/no experience. Good news is that those laid-off can re-apply for their positions, with less pay, of course. He's calling bullshit, and has started a petition to boycott Circuit City's stupidity.
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