First of all, I haven't played the Wii, so I have no idea how easily this happens. And it may be that this is a very rare event.
But thanks to social media, one person's problems with a product are instantly communicated to the world. Already there are videos on YouTube that demonstrate the problem with the remotes, but there is even a site dedicated to the flaw, entitled WiiHaveaProblem.com. The site gives GRAPHIC detail of how Wii owners have damaged their belongings and each other, just by playing the Wii. And oh yes, there are pictures.
This is how social-media changes a company's marketing. In years past, a company with reports of product problems and damage resulting from customers using their product, may be inclined to take their time 'investigating' the problem, hoping that it is really an 'isolated incident' that will 'go away'.
No more. Today even if the problem IS an isolated incident, there can still be video evidence of the problem posted on the internet within minutes, and within hours a community will spring up around the problem. So while the problem may indeed be 'isolated', the damage to the brand will likely be anything but, and the longer a company takes to address the problem, the worse it gets. And even with a site such as WiiHaveaProblem.com, where most of the 'problems' seem to be coming from users' carelessness more so than defective products, the damage is still done. The mom that sees the picture of the woman with her eye swollen shut doesn't remember that it happened because her drunk boyfriend accidentally punched her in the eye while playing Zelda, the mother remembers that the injury occurred while the couple was playing with the Wii.
The community is using tools that makes them smarter and faster than you are. Ignore both at your own peril.
UPDATE: WiiHaveaProblem.com is reporting that some Wii users that had their remote strap break have been sent replacement remotes with a thicker strap. Also, there are already just under SIX MILLION Google results for the term 'wii have a problem'.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing, Nintendo Wii
I noticed the site is ran by an anonymous author. Could this be a fake blog created/funded by a competitor (Sony or Microsoft)?
Michael I wondered the same thing. But I noticed that not all of the entries are slamming Nintendo, and there was one about Nintendo addressing the problem, and one mentioning the new remotes with stronger straps being sent out. Also notice that the banner ads are for video games on all platforms, PS3, Wii, I even saw one for the T-Mobile Sidekick 3. Still, we've seen what usually happens when the blog is anonymous, so there's going to be that sense of doubt till we find out for sure who is behind it.
That is friggin' nuts. It's crazy how fast things like this can happen. It really is a brand new world for us.
Did you guys see the pic of the girl with the black eye on wiihaveaproblem.com :-) It was a true shiner. They actually seem to be having some fun with it, the girl had a big smile on her face as she modeled here black eye.
Yes that pic was what prompted my 'And oh yes, there are pictures' comment ;)
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