What YOU can do is simply create a new post on your blog, but CUT AND PASTE the list I have below, and then ADD any blogs you feel aren't getting their due either. It can be 1 blog, or a hundred(or none if you simply want to repost the same list), but the idea is, find those great blogs that, for whatever reason, you feel aren't getting their due, link-wise.
Then after you leave your post, the next blogger will do the same thing, cut and paste YOUR list, and add THEIR blogs to the list, then repost it. Add the same instructions in your post that the next blogger should cut and paste YOUR list, and add any blogs they feel should be on it to THEIR list. The list will get increasingly long, and all the blogs will get a sort of reverse 'pyramid-affect' of link-love.
This is a PAINFULLY easy way to bring extra links and exposure to those blogs that deserve it. I would institute an 'honor' rule that you don't include your own blog. The end result is that many great blogs will get a ton of extra exposure, we'll all find some great new blogs to add to our reading list, and you'll get mucho good karma points for helping out your fellow bloggers! And who knows some of that link-love might even come back to you!
Here's my list(Cut and paste to your blog, and add as few or many blogs as you like):
Shotgun Marketing Blog
Customers Rock!
Being Peter Kim

mack....thanks so much for the link love...and for sticking it to Technorati!
--Shotgun Marketing Blog
Thanks, Mack. I will indeed re-post and pay it forward to another blog. Link-love rocks!
LOL! I'm happy being Z-list, as long as I can feed someone a new POV or at least a laugh every once in a while. Thanks for the mention and hopefully we'll be able to meet up in person sometime.
Saying 'Z-Lister' was my way of showing how stupid the whole 'authority-ranking' system Technorati has of counting links and assigning worth is. It's a flawed system that claims to measure authority, but actually favors longevity over content. This was my attempt at helping to shine the light on some of you guys that haven't been getting your due, IMO.
Great idea. Thanks!
Pay it forward.
LOL! I'm proud to be a Z-lister and happy to pay it forward!
Thanks so much, Mack!
Thanks Mack. Great idea and I am paying it forward.
Seems like a good plan to me.
It's a lot like blogtipping which I think more people should do because not only do you link to 3 blogs (and hopefully introduce us all to new resources) you provide more input than just links.
Expect a post on Instigator Blog soon!
Thanks so much for doing this Mack! Your "share the link love" idea resulted in me being Z-listed over at Servant Of Chaos, which not only made my day, but brought me a bit of traffic and helped me find your fabulous blog!
Here's my list:
thanks Mack! the 8wishes.com team loves the link love.
I'm afraid that this "idea" will backfire...
good stuff mack...
Okke Dokee - I'll paste it on mine too.
Great idea Mack... just wanna say that I've added all you Z-listers on my own Z list at my blog:
See here
Hi Mack!
I'm on the Z-list too! Didn't know you started it. Would have to mention you in my post then.
Thanks for this great idea.
Thanks very much Mack! I (link) love ya!
well all i can say is in about 2 weeks the z-list got me about 120 links... so thank you Mack for this excelent idea, and thanks to everybody who helped the z-list spread....
Thanks. Came here after being tagged by Doctor Anonymous for The Thinking Bloggers Award, started by Ilkers at The Thinking Blog and discovered the whole Z-list concept. I'm in! I love memes and especially the idea of pumping up little known and well-deserving blogs.
Mimi Lenox
I was looking at the Z-list and all of the blogs on the list are hosted at blogspot.com. Is this one of the criteria to be on the Z-list? I have my own domain name Calvin Harvey dot Com can I be on the list?
Genius... Only needed some thinking. That's kind of thinking blogger as they say...
moving on, moving out and moving up
Mack... Great idea... I've been conducting a study on how long it takes Z list bloggers to get attention from big brands. Also, I recommended that someone start the Most Valuable Z List competition like Jaffe's MVB. Check out http://www.kevingreen.typepad.com/ if your interested and even though I am not on the Z LIst meme... I applaud the recognition.
Hi mac thanks i will try this to improve the traffic
Ok guys if you are finding the Z-List for the first time, please do NOT post a link to your blog here so it can be added to the Z-List. That's not the Z-List works. If you want to join the Z-List, then the best way to do that is to post your OWN Z-List of worthy blogs on your OWN blog. Then as others pick up on YOUR list, they will link to YOUR blog. The idea is for you to focus on OTHER blogs by linking to them, then they return the favor by linking to YOUR blog!
But if you just comment here with 'Hey great idea, thanks!' and a link to your blog, your comment will get deleted.
Great idea. Thanks!
Finally, I got your meme after 9 months. :)
great compliments you got a nice idea!
ok thanks
nicez lister
Thanks very much
This is a great idea. It puts link quality back into the hands of bloggers. Thanks for sharing.
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