Several of you have emailed me or left comments letting me know about Seth creating a page on Squidoo to rank "good blogs", but it's obvious that he started with the 'Z-List' of blogs that's getting passed around so much, as the basis for the list. It also appears that Seth, or someone else, have added several of the so-called 'A-List' blogs, such as his, Creating Passionate Users, and Gaping Void. I'm not a big fan of that, since I think it dilutes the purpose of the 'Z-List', and as you can see, the so-called 'A-Listers' have mostly moved to the top already. But hey, that's the beauty of the community, they can take an idea and run with it wherever they want. The end result is that most of you should see even more traffic and links to your blogs, and find some more good reads, so that's a good thing, and I thank Seth for doing this.
If you're a Squidoo member, you can go and vote on moving each blog up or down.
Technorati Tags:
The Viral Garden, Marketing, Z List
Vote for me! Vote for me! (Shameless self-promotion)
I actually syndicate my blog there:
Psst... I voted for you!
Vote: On Influence and Automation
Thanks Doug, but really, when the voting comes into play, that really just makes this list as 'bad' as Technorati is.
Seth is smart enough to see that this meme is getting pretty popular, so instead of just reposting the link on Squidoo, he's created a way to make it interactive and give the community some input. That's great, but this will eventually morph into Squidoo's version of the Technorati Favorites.
Again, it will end up drawing attention and traffic to the 'Z-Listers', but over time I think it will draw more to the 'A-Listers', and that wasn't the intent of the 'Z-Lister' meme.
I posted an OPML file of the Z-list feed...trying to make it a little easier for people to read the list.
Frank Roche
KnowHR Blog
I'm so proud of you for starting this...just goes to show why we call you "Mr. Community". Way to end the year...and begin an even better one.
Thanks for all you contribute and teach me--and us.
Ho, ho, ho.
It seems a bit of a highjacking. A Z-jacking, perhaps?
That being said, it sure can hurt any of the A-listers, the Z-listers, or the thousands in between. I'm all for spreading the Christmas love....
Your name list looks like it's been lifted, for sure.
However, it's not an A-lister who's at the top right now...but someone who's part of your Top 25.
At least for Christmas Eve and 2AM Christmas day.
Thanks for starting the thing...
Indeed, as with all things viral, it is not as it started.
But, that doesn't mean that this deviation will derail the main engine...which is blogs big and small, spreading the z-list.
While on one hand, the squidoo additions of the A list does take some of the spotlight off the little guys -- hopefully some of the glow will still reach out to those who are still too new or too small to have gotten mainstream attention.
You did good! You certainly have helped introduce my little slice of the blogosphere to lots of new people. Now it's my job to keep them there with good content!
A very Merry to you!
Ah Mack,
We knew it was too good to be true. Now people are "downgrading" other blogs. Lots of people are in the negative numbers.
It's a pretty wideswept vote down, so I suspect one or two bloggers just went through most of the list.
We like to think we're all about cooperation and supporting each other. But some folks out there just haven't caught on yet!
But that sure doesn't tarnish all the good your meme has done for a whole lot of excellent blogs over the past week or so. You are a living example of how we can and should reach out and help each other!
Drew this is exactly what happens when you shift it from being a meme to draw attention to the 'little guys', to a competition. I know exactly why Seth did this, because it's a sure-fire way to draw attention to Squidoo.
With the 'Z-list' meme, the 'little guys' are the ones that benefitted, there's been several blogs that have added over 100 links to their total.
But with this, Seth is the clear winner, not the 'Z-Listers'.
Maybe it shouldn't, but that bothers me.
Ahh, don't feel bad at all. It's what bothers me as well.
Hopefully, the z-list had enough lift and reach before it got re-routed to be the squidoo express.
You still deserve the kudos for helping many of us step out of the darkness.
Does this mean we are no longer winning?
I think there are and still will be many of us who are "winners" thanks to this great idea of yours. This is one meme that has really caught the imagination of people ... and they have responded intuitively and honestly for the most part. And the best thing is that it continues to spread ... despite being boxed off in a corner of Squidoo.
Yep Seth wins. But Mack, thanks to you all of us win. It's all good. Thanks!
That Plexo is getting borderline ridiculous... Was there any need to turn something fun into some sort of competition?
Mack Mr Community 1 - Seth 0
Anyway... thumbs up to you, Mack. You did launch a big (positive) wave.
And I agree with Gavin : "...people... have responded intuitively and honestly for the most part". That's what catches the "spirit of the Z-List", really.
Thank you for that.
Hi Mack -- First, and foremost, we thank you for bringing light to the Z-List. We were so pleased that Viaspire has been included in the Z-Lister movement. We feel one of the best benefits of what you started here is that we have been exposed to so many new and wonderful bloggers. In fact, we are reconstructing a new blog roll to capture all the new finds we enjoy from the Z-List.
Squidoo's Play on the Z-List>>
I have to admit I was initially disappointed to see many "a-listers" added as the Z-list. I realized though that this movement has positively leveled the playing field suggesting there are a lot of good blogs out there so check them out.
The Squidoo list is yet another interpetation of what this "list" means. It's not a bad thing, it seems like a natural adaptation of the blog conversation.
While I do not feel we can compete with the likes of a blog popularity contest being a smaller "boutique" blog, we do enjoy being included in the consideration.
Thanks again, Mack!
Mack....I REALLY hate to see how the Plexo list has corrupted what you began.
You are the Nathan B. Stubblefield of the Z List.
Anyway...I'm going to check out some of these unknown blogs on the Plexo list from people like Seth Godin and TomPeters,
Hi Mack!
I just nominated you to manage the Z-list. Look like Seth has tired of it, (no wonder with the downvoting types- he should do away with the 'down vote' option.)
Yes, I know it's the Squidoo site that gets the traffic, sigh.
Maybe YOU start your own Zlist - competition isn't a bad thing, I just think the "down voting" option has brought out the nasty side of some people.
I think one major point that many who've commented here have missed is Seth's perversion of the intent of the meme.
YOU said "In an effort to bring more link-love to those blogs that I feel aren't getting their due,"
SETH said, "The idea is to add your blog, a few others perhaps, and then post."
He's perverted the original concept of altruism into self-promotion. Which in my book is a despicable act. Keep the faith the karma will come around to benefit you in the long run.
I think I'm late in coming to this, but I'll add my two cents to asking why Seth Godin would subvert this like he's done - it's like high school all over. The jocks can't stand it when the "little people" start getting noticed.
Interestingly enough, for me, it just puts you, Mack, way in the lead for creating something that not only created a limelight but shared it. That says something about you. and making it a contest says something about Seth. I'll leave everyone to figure our what's being said.
Thanks Mack for creating this. May you NEVER have ants at your picnics!
Hi Mack--
The Z-List meme has done such amazing things that I'm just ignoring the Squidoo take-off, which is kind of demoralizing to look at.
Meanwhile the Z-list is still going strong, and it's really inspiring to see.
You picked a great time of year to launch this meme, too. It definitely has a "good will towards all" and "peace on earth" feeling about it, which is uplifting.
You've made a great impact around the world and have made a lot of folks feel warm and fuzzy inside :-). That's a huge accomplishment, Mack. Thanks so much for your generosity.
I like the people that voted me down 15 spots. I have a feeling that
this is turning into a pointless competition, but I'm still loving all
the traffic it has sent me. Seth even had to tell people to do the
right thing. I have to admit that I was tempted to cheat, but I know
that's not the point. The point is to find cool blogs, and I've
connected to 4 really cool people thanks to this list. Thanks again
Mack for starting it.
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