Tammy has started her own list, the 'W-List'. A list by women, for women! I think it will be interesting to see if this continues, remember the original 'Z-List' was for under-appreciated marketing blogs, there are plenty of communities that could spin off their own version of the list and gain the same benefits.
And thanks to Ann for posting about the 'Z-List' on Daily Fix. I've never included DF on any of the lists, simply because the blog has so many links and is so well-known. That's due in great part to Ann's community-building efforts.
On a personal note, posting here will be a bit light for the next few days, and I'm going to try to get more or less back on track on Tuesday of next week. The book reviews will return next month, and I'm going to shoot for doing one every 2 weeks. Marketing Champions, by Roy Young and Allen Weiss will be next, and likely The Long Tail by Chris Anderson after that.
Technorati Tags:
Z List, Marketing
thanks for the mention...I've already discovered more blogs than I can read on a daily basis - this is fun! There are so many - and the voices are really fresh. You started a great thing! Thanks!
Hello Mack, I only want to say that I have transferred your idea of the Z list to the Hispanic world and I have created the Lista Z where I have include 10 blogs that treats on Spanish Literature.
Thanks for your idea
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