I've been tinkering with the blog over the past few days, and have made some changes. First, I've added a poll to the blog's sidebar. I love this because it's a way for you guys to have more input here. What I'm going to do is run the poll till next Friday, then ask a new question. On every Friday I'll announce the poll results, write a post about the topic of the poll, and then announce the poll question for the next week. Again, I think this will be a fun way for you guys to have a bigger say into what we talk about here. This week I'm asking what topics you want to see covered here, and so far it seems that you guys want more social media case studies and posts on advanced social media strategies. If you haven't had your say yet, please vote!
Secondly, I've added a LiJit search widget to the sidebar, replacing the stale one from Technorati. I'm still tinkering with the setup of the widget, but as I understand it, when you search with it, you can get results from my blog, as well as 'my network'. I have to get the 'my network' portion set up.
Finally, I've overhauled my
Speaking page. I've added several conferences and events that I'll be speaking at in the Fall, with hopefully a few more coming soon. I'll be giving you more information about each conference/event as we get closer to the Fall. I've also added a video interview that WebProNews did with me at last Spring's SBMU. If you want to have me speak at your conference or private event, please
email me and we can talk more.
Mack, I really like the updated "Speakers" page.
It's good to know where you are speaking and the sorts of venues you will be at.
Plus the YouTube clip lets us see...the rest of you.
Keep creating,
Mike thanks a lot! Hopefully there will be audio/video for my presentations in the Fall so I can get a small library of clips here.
Mack, thanks again for giving Lijit a try on your blog. We've fixed your network settings, so your readers should be seeing a network tab now when they do searches.
If you (or any of your readers) have feedback about the performance of the Lijit search widget, I'd love to hear it. I'm tara [at] lijit [dot] com.
Polls are great. They really give your users something to be a part of.
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