Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What he said...

"Yes, losing control of your brand means taking risks—but I'm not advocating risk for the sake of a quick hit. I am advocating that we furnish the consuming public with brand experiences that are interesting to them—ones that permit them to get involved with the brand instead of just watching a pitch; ones that invite and trust them to deliver the branding message to others. When it's done correctly, losing control is really only a transfer of control, right into the hands of those whose trust you're trying to get in the first place." - Sam Ewen writing for BrandWeek.

Have to turn my nose up at the term 'consuming public', but still...


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Ivana said...

Amen. I'm starting to think that we, as marketing people are taking ourselves ENTIRELY too seriously. Personally, I applaud this open-out of control environment because it forces us to actually deliver on what a brand is supposed to be - a promise. I'm sick of this smoke and mirrors BS that some brands have gotten into. Personally, I feel this sick little sense of glee as I watch big corporations try and wiggle their way out of a marketing/branding message proven wrong by their customers.

And as long as their are brands that are lauded by their customers because they actually over-deliver on the experience - that means that it can be done. So, I send out a loud YIPEE to those companies who are keeping their focus on the only branding that works - the real customer experience!

Mack Collier said...

"So, I send out a loud YIPEE to those companies who are keeping their focus on the only branding that works - the real customer experience!"

Yep and I think that's why a lot of companies are avoiding blogs, cause they don't want to be held accountable and give customers a direct feedback mechanism.