Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Changes at BMA

As I'm sure everyone has noticed, I haven't been posting very much on BMA in the past few months. I was one of the original writers that 'founded' BMA around this time last year, and in October of last year, I was made the 'Editor' of the blog. BMA grew like a weed up until around March of this year, when it seemed as if traffic was levelling off(turns out it was just a temporary state), which was just the motivation I needed to go ahead and start my own blog, which was something I had been considering for months.

So in late March, The Viral Garden was born. What I quickly noticed, was that here I was appealing to a more marketing-oriented audience, which was my intention. Thanks to Ann, I was graciously offered the chance to write for Daily Fix, which I immediately pounced on. However, I quickly realized that I would have to choose between devoting most of my non-Viral Garden blogging time to either Daily Fix, or Beyond Madison Avenue. Since DF was aimed more at marketers, and Ann was giving me some opportunities that I didn't have with BMA, I shifted most of my free blogging-time to Daily Fix.

So......in order to fill the void that I've created by not posting as much lately on BMA, the 'powers that be' and I have been discussing their next course of action, and we both decided that it would be best to name one of the other writers at BMA the Editor, since I could no longer devote as much time to the blog as I once did. I suggested the writers that I thought could do the best job in this role, and BMA has tabbed Danny Nathan to fill this role. I think he will do a fine job. Danny's been with BMA since Day One, like me, and he's seen the changes we've gone through in the last year.

Anyway, the main reason why I wanted to blog this, was to let everyone know that this was a move that both myself and BMA agreed was best for both parties. While I haven't agreed with every idea that the 'powers that be' have in mind for BMA moving forward, there was no disagreement here. BMA got me started blogging, and they deserve someone that can devote the time necessary to grow the blog to its full potential. At the same time, I owe it to myself to realize my full potential as a blogger and marketer, and I feel that can better be done here. I'll still be posting at BMA as long as my account still works there ;)

So check out the 'new' BMA and see what you think. It's Danny's baby now, so it will be fun to see where he, Jaynie, True and the other writers take it.


Chris Thilk said...

I was wondering why I wasn't seeing your name on BMA anymore. I think you made the right call and I'm glad this was a unanimous decision.

Viva la Viral Garden!

Danny said...

Thanks Mack! I'll try to keep the BMA tradition going strong!