For the second straight month, Twitter's traffic has declined, according to Compete. The micro-blogging site had just over 23 million visitors in October after peaking at 23.5 million monthly visitors in August. Now to be fair, Twitter's traffic has only been down fractionally since August, falling only 2.11% since September. But it does indicate that the site meteoric traffic rise is finally leveling off. Twitter's traffic is still up a staggering 577% for the year.
Facebook continued to chug right along, growing its traffic by 3.5% in October and posting just under 129 million visitors for the month. Ning gained 10% for the month, growing to 6.8 million monthly visitors. But URL-shortening site was the big winner in October, up 19%, with 7.6 million visitors.'s rise is no doubt tied in great part to popularity among Twitter users.
Other notable social media sites and their traffic for October:
YouTube - 84.6 million, up 0.72%
MySpace - 49.9 million, down 0.65%
Flickr - 28 million, down 1.43%
LinkedIn - 15.5 million, up 3.29%
Tagged - 3.5 million, down 3.74%
Feedburner - 3 million, down 2.66% - 1.5 million, up 4.38%
SlideShare - 1.4 million, up 9.13%
Friendfeed - 698,519, down 6.57%
Hi Mack,
Could one of the causes traffic for Twitter is declining / stagnating be that more and more users are adjusting to the regular use of Twitter and start using Tweetdeck and co.?
Another reason might be that the hype of Twitter has cooled down. People don't just run to the site and register but start thinking about the benefits it might bring them. Awareness for social media is continuously rising which also rises the awareness fr the benefits of the different tools.
What's your experience?
Good points, I think the hype has cooled a bit. But I think the people that are using Tweetdeck/other clients are mainly the 'power users'. I doubt that 95% of the people that use Twitter have ever heard of Tweetdeck or Seesmic. To almost everyone that uses Twitter, the website is the only way they know to use Twitter, IMO.
Don't forget that Twitter is also a mobile platform and I highly doubt this traffic report includes the number of times people type 40404 into their phones to post a status update. Facebook users typically need to visit the website to post an update whereas Twitter users can interact with that service multiple times a day without visiting the site ever.
Thanks for sharing the stats Mack, The first thing has to be the buzz that has cooled a bit, The question would be why is that happening exactly.
Plus one more thing As if we compare Facebook and Twitter, Facebook leads by far by engaging people on a page with the number of apps which are there so the time spent is a lot more then twitter, So is that a factor which gives Facebook an upper hand as far as the buzz creation is involved.
Thank you Mack for information i am also twitter user so i have to know about it na.
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