Another tool that looks interesting is a blog platform created by Compendium Blogware, that Stephan Spencer did a nice write up on. It seems that this platform would work great for a large company, possibly one with franchise locations across the country, by pulling posts from multiple locations and resorting them under a common theme. For example, if Tom blogs at his McDonalds' location in St. Louis about a particular product on the menu, McDonalds could also automatically put his post onto a blog that would collect all the posts from all the franchisees about that particular product. This is also a great way to bring together information from many blogs and collect it in one place that can easily be accessed. Thanks to Amy for sharing this post with me.
Finally, if you are an avid Twitter user, and constantly sharing links, you may want to give URL-shortening service Bit.ly a spin. Bit.ly will automatically shorten links for you, but it also tracks how many clicks those links are getting. It will also show you total clicks from YOUR link, versus total clicks from everyone that's shared that link. Bit.ly functionality is built into Tweetdeck, and can be used as your shortener of choice. I'm sure Seesmic offers it as well.
BTW on an unrelated note, on Monday I launched a new survey on social media! This survey is designed to give us a better view of what tools companies are using, what their social media budgets are, what concerns they have about social media, and other areas. If you can help me my filling out the survey (it only takes 2 mins, REALLY!), I'll give you a copy of a PDF I created just for respondents, a paper entitled A Blueprint for Handling Negative Comments. This paper walks you through some examples of negative comments you might encounter both on and OFF your blog, and how to respond appropriately. You'll be given the link to download the paper after you complete the survey. As a bonus, everyone that completes the survey will have first look at the key findings, and I'll probably email everyone about this early next week (the survey closes at midnight this coming Sunday).
If you can, please help me out by completing the 10-question multiple-choice question survey here. Thanks!
Thanks, Mack. As a Budurl gal it has been hard to transition to bit.ly, but managing multiple accounts is awesome!
Will definitely check out Monitter. In the meantime, I have been using the boolean "searchterm" near:zipcode on twitter search. Looking forward to a less geeky option:)
Hi Mack. I love the way you've done your blog post. Very intimate understanding of how social media is becoming a great viral tool in internet business.
Great article and definitely worth bookmarking for reference. Will have to have a look at Monitter as it looks like it could be helpful. Thanks.
I love TweetDeck so much it's kind of silly. It handles my Twitter accounts and my Facebook account with ease, and presents me with all the stuff I need. And it's built on Adobe Air, which is really cool :)
Thanks for the Compendium tip, Mack. I think a major social media topic (and source for service innovation) for 2010 will be aggregation/syndication. Now that sm usage is mainstream, businesses will be seeking efficiencies in managing their social voice/customer dialogue. I recently gave a talk on the topic - took a dive into various tools/techniques: http://www.slideshare.net/kgerr/social-media-aggregation-101
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