Monday, October 19, 2009

If you want to be a vlogger, pay close attention to this video

Whether you are an individual that wants to start vlogging, or you're a company that's wondering about using video to help connect with your customers, watch this video. What Chris has done is use video to not only give you a personal glimpse into his life, but to back up everything he's saying. He's talking about putting in long hours, getting up early and hustling. And notice there's no one else up, he's the only person you see in the video.

This wouldn't have been half as effective if he had written just a post, or only recorded this as a podcast/audio file. But as a video, it works perfectly. Chris uses video to build on and enhance the idea he's trying to communicate.

If you're wanting to use video either personally or with your business, watch this video closely.


Michele Miller said...

Now, THAT is some powerful stuff. What a way to make a statement. I really need to start make more statements of my own via video.

Mack Collier said...

I agree Michele, when you see someone using video as well as Chris does here, it inspires you, doesn't it? Thanks for the comment ;)

Jamie Search said...

This is a really good video. Video blogs are a great way to make a statement and if done right can be really effective.

Michael Bertoldi said...

Great video by Chris and thanks for pointing it out Mack. As a copywriter, I'm very impressed with how Chris matched his punchline "pay real close attention to what time an overnight success gets up and starts" with an excellent visual of streetlights still being on when he was getting going. Very motivational. Thanks for the push Mack.