Stats on current and projected blog readership and creation from 2007-2012.
Breakdown of which age groups are reading blogs and blogging on a weekly basis.
Information on Graco's blogging strategy and the results they have seen. Graco's blog.
Newcastle Square Realty's blog.
Avis' UK Blog.
Dell's Direct2Dell blog.
MasiGuy's blog.
Tim's Plurkshop on how companies can use social media to connect with their customers.
Toby Bloomberg's profile of Tim's social media/blogging efforts with Masi.
MediaHunter's interview with Tim about Masi's marketing efforts.
Link to recent case study I did with the ROI for Tim's social media marketing efforts for Masi.
Thanks for sharing Mack. Now we need to dig down for information that specifically deals with business readers. Demographics are nice but not really that helpful to most businesses.
Hey guys. Mack, you might want to take a look at two very different blogs I developed for one of the UK's largets fashion retailer, Shop Direct Group.
The first is their corporate blog: Home of Big Brands found at http://www.homeofbigbrands.com/
Tghe other is for their largest in-house fashion label Love Label found at http://www.lovelabelblog.com/
Happyto chip in with some stragey insight etc.
You are one of a very few people that actually tries to show the real value businesses get from communicating with customers.
So many in the social media punditocracy have fled blogging for micro-blogging --- and that is showing up now when I talk to clients about other topics and they tell me they see blogging as being dead now that folks are moving to micro-blogging.
I'm sure your workshop was a Huge success. Our BBF the MasiGuy is one of the best working in social media .. glad I could help tell his story.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Toby, Tim is a great social media case study, as you know, and perfect for an audience of small business owners that have little resources. Shows them what is possible with little help and little budget, via blogging and social media.
Mack you are great! Thanks for sharing this with all of us who couldn't make it! I loved seeing you all together in David's photos!
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