To get the word out about the video-chat capability of ooVoo, Crayon has created the 'My ooVoo Day With...' promotion. What will happen is there will be slots set aside for up to 6 vloggers/podcasters/bloggers to participate in each chat. Scott has a list of the people that have signed up so far, and it's a pretty impressive list of many of the top social media movers and shakers. People like Chris Brogan, Jaffe, Steve Hall, Geoff Livingston, Susan Reynolds and Connie Reece.
Now obviously, ooVoo wants to make sure that the influencers have access to their video chat, so they can play with it, and hopefully talk about it and encourage others to use it. But the vloggers/bloggers/podcasters that participate also get something back. ooVoo has agreed to donate $1,500 to the charity of the host's choice. I asked Jaffe via Twitter about this and he said that ooVoo is looking to donate more than $20,000 to charity, and it all may be pooled to help blogger Susan Reynolds in her fight against cancer via the Frozen Pea Fund.
This is a great idea, because everyone clearly wins. ooVoo wins because they will get their product in the hands of the influential people in the social media space. The vloggers/podcasters/bloggers involved benefit because if they host a chat, another $1,500 is donated to charity. And the fact that ooVoo is willing to donate to charity also benefits them with additional publicity, like this very post.
This taps into a fundamental truth of successful marketing, especially online: If your audience can CLEARLY see the benefit to them, your efforts are much more likely to succeed.
If you want to participate and host a chat and see another $1,500 go to charity, check out Jaffe's blog for more details.
UPDATE: Scott clarifies in the comments that ooVoo will donate $1,500 to charity for each HOST, not participant. Sorry about the confusion.
Tags:The Viral Garden, Marketing, ooVoo
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Thanks for the kudos, Mack. crayon and ooVoo are very proud of how the program is set up and we're hoping that people really have a chance to enjoy some conversations - about whatever they want.
We were very clear with the hosts that this event was not to center around ooVoo - on the contrary, ooVoo should fade into the background and be the enabling technology behind the conversations. They've become the "unooficial" sponsor of conversation. (sorry)
One point of clarification - the $1500 is for each host, not each participant. Still, with over $20K slated for the Frozen Pea Fund, it's a huge win for Connie & the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign.
Now everyone, get out there and sign up for a slot on My ooVoo Day With..., where the Mac version is available.
Thanks Scott, I editted the post to point out that it's $1,500 donated for each host, not participant. Still a great deal and great idea.
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