My latest
premium article for Marketing Profs is up, and it covers how some companies are turning over the 4Ps of marketing to their community of customers. Great examples from Radiohead, Threadless, Flickr, and Maker's Mark of how you can cede some of your marketing to your customers, as well as advice on how to make the same moves in your own organization.
Thanks to everyone that's already contacted me about the article, glad you enjoyed it!
The Viral Garden,
MarketingEmail Me
I'm going to have to get myself a membership. I just wrote about the 4 Ps of marketing and am dying to see what you had to say about it.
Isn't writing about 'giving it away' as a premium (paid) article a little at odds with your message?
"Isn't writing about 'giving it away' as a premium (paid) article a little at odds with your message?"
You can actually view the article, and every article that MP runs by signing up for a free 2-day trial.
Like most, I was pretty enthralled by Radiohaed's decision to let custoemrs set the price.
Then I read a recent post by Hugh that I thought was fairly interesting. The premise is that by allowing customers to set the price, the value will ultimately reach zero.
Was wondering what your thoughts on that might be (I can link the post if you'd like).
Wouldn't attaching a monetary value to something increase the personal satisfaction that comes with acquiring that good? Eg: If I purchase a Macbook for $1500, there are two points of satisfaction. 1) Overcoming the friction involved in obtaining something, and 2) The experience that comes when you 'consume' this newly acquired item.
Does that hold, or am I off somewhere?
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