Also, here is WebProNews' recap of my presentation.
Li said that my presentation 'inspired me to love blogging again'. Wow.
UPDATE: I've been told that Search Engine Guide will be live-blogging Small Business Marketing Unleashed on Monday and Tuesday. Also, I believe all presentations/panels will be video-recorded, will update when I find out for sure.
ALSO: I am Twittering the sessions this morning, you can follow me at
I'll be presenting on Blogging for Business next Monday at the Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference in Houston. During my presentation, I am going to bring up a TON of ideas and concepts that I would really like to devote far more time to than I'll have. So I decided to make a list of resources here that conference attendees (as well as my readers) can use to help them better understand the topics I'll be discussing. Below you'll find links to many articles, including How-Tos, and I'll also include links to many of my favorite blogs, ranked by subject. Some of these articles are premium Marketing Profs articles, but you can sign up for a free trial and view them that way (But Marketing Profs is well worth the $50 premium yearly membership. And full disclosure, I write for MP's blog Daily Fix, and frequently write premium articles for MP.)
Monitoring the blogosphere:
Monitoring the Blogosphere using Google Blog Search
Tweetscan (tool to monitor Twitter)
Google Blog Search
Technorati (Type your blog's URL in the 'Search' box to see your blog's links)
Why I Like Twitter
Getting started and improving your blog:
Ten Steps to Starting a Company Blog (Premium article)
Eight Ideas for Revitalizing Your Company Blog
Eight Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog
Want More Comments on Your Blog?
How to Get More Comments on Your Blog, By Leaving It
10 Ways You Can Use Feedburner to Improve Your Blog
Elements of a Great Blog:
Posting Schedule
Sidebar Elements
Company Blog Checkups:
Kodak's 1000 Words
Patagonia's The Cleanest Line
Innocent Drinks' Daily Thoughts
The Fiskateers Blog
Corner Violin Shop
MasiGuy Blog
Stormhoek's Blog
Gaping Void
Jennifer Laycock's series on using Twitter:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Great Blogs(organized by subject):
Marketing and Branding:
Daily Fix
Seth's Blog
Brand Autopsy
The Origin of Brands
Servant of Chaos
Conversation Agent
Social Media Best Practices:
Chris Brogan
Social Media Explorer
Customer/Community Empowerment:
The Church of the Customer
Customers Rock!
CK's Blog
Deborah Schultz
Small Business Marketing:
Search Engine Guide
Drew's Marketing Minute
Duct Tape Marketing
Design / User Experience:
Logic + Emotion
Marketing for Good:
Spare Change
Get Shouty
I'll no doubt come across blogs and articles I want to add to this list, so expect frequent updates in the next couple of days. I'll leave this post up as the top post till probably next Wednesday.
BTW to make this a true community project, if you know of any great articles that you, or someone else has written about how to get started blogging, or how to improve your blogging efforts, feel free to leave a link in the comments. Also feel free to add a link to your blog in the comments if it covers any of the topics I mentioned above. Thanks!
Tags:The Viral Garden, Marketing
Hire Mack!
Wow, what a powerful list/resource. Bet your presentation is going to be dynamite.
By any chance, are you recording your presentation for distribution as a video or podcast?
Chris Brown
Chris I don't believe the presentations will be recorded, but I will check. I do believe that WebProNews will be live-blogging some of the presentations, and of course I will try to be giving updates via Twitter of the other presentations.
Thank you, Mack, for including Customers Rock! as part of your list of resources and great blogs. I am honored.
Have a great time with your presentation - I am sure it will be full of energy, and attendees will walk away with lots of ideas!
Thank you Becky! Wish you could be here, very interesting conversations and presentations happening.
Me too, Mack. Maybe sometime in the future, we can do a joint presentation! That would be a blast. :)
I know exactly what you mean Mack. I did a presentation on EXACTLY the same subject last week (and doing the same one again in London this week)
The hardest thing I found about creating the presentation was what to leave out, there are just so many areas I wanted to cover in more detail.
I like the idea of you creating the "blogroll" for the presentation resources though. Might give that a try.
I'll show you my presentation if you show me yours...!
All the best
Paul unfortunately I wasn't presenting in the 'grown up' room, so I don't think they recorded it, unfortunately ;( The fine folks at WebProNews did catch me afterward for a video interview about my presentation, and I'll post the link to that when it goes up.
You are a beast! Great job, Mack. And welcome back to Texas!
Wow, Mack. Speechless and honored to be listed among resources like that.
Guess I have to stop manifesto writing and get back to the kibble now. ;)
Wonderful resources!!!
I just discovered The Viral Garden. I love the content and will be returning often. I also found the marketing blog rankings interesting. Very clever.
I'd love to have your candid review of our company blog. We're a marketing consulting firm in WV, Maple Creative. And our blog is
I would be happy to add your blog to our blogroll ... to do a reciprocal guest-post ... or anything I can to help spread the word about the good work you are doing.
Very best regards,
Skip Lineberg
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