1 - Seth's Blog - 8,480 (-180)(LW - 1)
2 - CopyBlogger - 5,563 (-237)(LW - 2)
3 - Chris Brogan - 2,420 (+124)(LW - 3)
4 - Search Engine Guide - 1,188 (-136)(LW - 4)
5 - Logic + Emotion - 1,169 (-71)(LW - 5)
6 - Duct Tape Marketing - 836 (-59)(LW - 6)
7 - Influential Marketing - 818 (-7)(LW - 7)
8 - Church of the Customer - 661 (No Change)(LW - 9)
9 - Six Pixels of Separation - 626 (-17)(LW - 10)
10 - Daily Fix - 618 (-34)(LW - 8)
11 - Brand Autopsy - 588 (-24)(LW - 11)
12 - Conversation Agent - 548 (-3)(LW - 12)
13 - Techipedia - 519 (-27)(LW - 13)
14 - Jaffe Juice - 486 (-44)(LW - 14)
15 - Drew's Marketing Minute - 466 (-63)(LW - 15)
16 - Damn! I Wish I'd Thought of That! - 444 (-5)(LW - 16)
17 - Diva Marketing - 419 (-11)(LW - 17)
18 - Social Media Explorer - 408 (-4)(LW - 19)
19 - The Social Media Marketing Blog - 399 (-7)(LW - 20)
20 - Converstations - 386 (-16)(LW - 22)
21 - Every Dot Connects - 380 (-25)(LW - 21)
22 - Greg Verdino's Marketing Blog - 367 (-5)(LW - 24)
23 - Techno Marketer - 365 (-15)(LW - 23)
24 - What's Next - 364 (-31)(LW - 18)
25 - The Viral Garden - 345 (-11)(LW - 25)
A reminder that the Top 25 Marketing & Social Media Blogs are ranked according to the number of sites/blogs linking to each, according to Technorati. The number you see after the blog name is how many sites/blogs Technorati claims have linked to the blog in the last 6 months. After that number is a positive or negative number, and this represents how many links the blog gained or lost from last week's Top 25. The final stat tells you what position the blog held in the Top 25 Last Week (LW). If you see this; (LW - UR), it means the blog wasn't ranked last week.
Only one blog, Chris Brogan's gained links this week. The other 24 either lost links, or stood pat. At this point it's either stick with Technorati, which seems to be missing any links to a blog that come from any non-blog, or go with number of Feedburner subscribers. I think feed readers is probably a more accurate metric to measure the 'popularity' of a blog than links. But the problem is that still only 16 of the current Top 25 have their Feedburner numbers published on their blog. If I decide to make the switch, I'll email the bloggers that don't have the chicklet to give them time to add it if they still want to be considered for the Top 25.
Otherwise, there are new blogs this week, and the next update is next Wednesday.
Next update is next Wednesday.
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